Mus Ro Faclan Ann or Before Words is the title of a dance performance influenced by the landscape, language and culture of the Outer Hebrides, in particular Uibhist a Deas /South Uist. The work includes the research and development of choreography and sound from a six year period with some of the time being spent in residence on Uist. The root of the word choreography comes from the greek, khoreia (chorus or band of dancers) and graphein (to write). Mus Ro Faclan Ann is an attempt to write or record movement that is in dialogue with a people and place. What can a Gaelic reading of the landscape reveal that otherwise remains hidden? How can the body serve as a medium to that which cannot otherwise be expressed in words?
Mus Ro Faclan Ann began with support from Ceòlas and Dancehouse and has included many artists in it’s development. Through residencies at Tramway Workroom and Dancebase, the choreography and sound has been developed and with support from Bodysurf Scotland/Dance North, Dancebase, The Workroom and Touring Network, in April 2019, the piece will be finished. Please click on the various images to see the choreographic/visual/sonic research behind the work and keep up to date with the project.